
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Saying good-bye to Bob

Alright, I am not going to over-write this one.  I got a haircut. It's short.  I'm not sure I like it yet.

I have had my hair cut really short probably three times in my life, and I have always gone back to the bob.  Lately, though, that sturdy style has let me down.  Whereas before my hair was always sleek and smooth and one length, it has lately gotten more and more gray in it.  That has changed the texture, led to more breakage, and generally has caused it to look like a fuzzy frizz bomb when worn in the faithful bob.  So, given the options of coloring my hair, using a ton of styling products on it, or cutting it short, I opted for short.  I am still getting used to it, but so far I am good with it.  Short is cool.  If anything, I think I would want it shorter - more pixie-cut-like.  We'll see.  I have five weeks to adapt or not before the next haircut.

In any case, here I am capturing the moment on film.  Taking pix of oneself is not an easy task, I found.  (Next time, I'll ask Distance Dude or E. to help out.)  What becomes abundantly clear to me from these pictures is that 1) I need to clean the mirror, 2) I look older than the last time I really looked, and 3) I have to work on my smile so I can pull this off better.  Since I believe most people look inherently better when they smile, I am thinking I had better keep smiling.


  1. I love the pixieness of it! Ever since I started having kids my hair has changed. First it got wavy where it used to be bone straight, and now it's getting gray and even more wavy.

    Wow, cut again in five weeks! You are on it. This is the main (or mane, ha!) reason my hair is long -- too lazy and cheap to schedule appointments.

    1. Thanks! After waking up this morning to the new haircut, I realize I do like it. It's just a matter of getting used to it. I had the bob for close to 20 YEARS. Ugh. My hair definitely changed after kids, too. For me it's been the gray coming on. (Insert all sorts of jokes here about kids aging parents, which of course is true.) I wish I could wear my hair long. It's so fine, though, that when it gets any length it just look stringy and thin, so that's out for me. I love your hair in the pix, though. Great hair for those headbands you're creating!

  2. You look great with short hair! It's so sassy! I love it. As a runner/athlete, I love my short hair, it's so easy. Congrats!

    1. Thanks for the compliment! I'm still getting used to it, but the shock when passing the mirror isn't as great as it was yesterday. I definitely like it myself. I just had the bob for so long. Strangely, I agree on the exercise aspect. I am hitting the treadmill for some speed work later, and strangely I am excited to "test drive" the new haircut. lol I'm such a geek! :)
